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Work Health & Safety Resources

The PCQ Safety Committee is currently updating its WHS Forms. Please email PCQ Church Offices via churchoffice@pcq.org.au with any questions.

Note: Church Office Holiday Closure: The Spring Hill PCQ Church Office will be closed from COB Friday, 15 December 2023; reopening Tuesday, 2 January 2024. Please contact the Interim General Manager, Phil Strong (email phil@pcq.org.au or mobile 0432 210 856) if an emergency arises during this period.

Report Safety Incident

Report a Safety Incident ›

This form is for the recording of Workplace Injuries or Near Misses on Church property or at Church events/activities. This includes trips, falls, accidents, etc.

WHS Procedure Manual

WHS Procedure Manual(420 KB PDF, May 2014)

Individual sections of WHS Procedure Manual:

WHS Forms

WHS Forms(100 KB PDF, May 2014)

Church Safety Audit Checklist:

Individual forms as MS Word documents:

WHS Samples

WHS Management Plan(60 KB PDF, May 2014)

Damage/Hazard Report & Risk Assessment(420 KB PDF, April 2023)

Food Safety

Guidelines for Food Preparation & Serving(May 2014, 30 KB PDF)

Resource: pcq.org.au/pcq-work-health-safety.php Printed: 2024-10-15
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