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Healthy Churches

The Committee on Ministry Resourcing has provided the Healthy Churches site as a resource for growth and vitality.

What is the ‘Healthy Churches’ initiative about?

The Healthy Churches site is a ministry of the PCQ Committee on Ministry Resourcing (CMR).

We want to provide quality resources to help grow healthy and fruitful churches within PCQ.

We believe these resources will help ministers, elders, sessions, ministry workers, and congregations in any context develop health and fruitfulness in themselves personally, in their churches and in their ministries, for the sake of Christ, his kingdom and the world he loves.

Whilst many of the resources on the website are contextualised specifically for the PCQ situation we hope and pray that they may also be useful beyond that scope.

What are Healthy Churches?

Fundamental to health and fruitfulness is remaining connected to Jesus, trusting in him, depending on him and loving others as he loves. And it means we expect and welcome the Father’s pruning because we know this grows further fruitfulness and health in us.

What is the fruit the Father wants from us? A Christ-like life and a Christ-like church.

In both personal life and church life we are committed to loving as Jesus loves; robustly, truthfully and distinctively.

The Healthy Churches site is dedicated to providing ideas, tools and exercises that we pray will be used by God the Father to promote remaining in Christ, the pruning work of the Father, love for God’s people, and a witness to the world that naturally grows from this.

Who is responsible for the resources on the website?

This website is curated by members of the CMR. The committee is committed to God honouring, sustainable ministry in the PCQ context. If you have concerns about any of the content on the website please contact us

What are Healthy Church resources?

Healthy Churches resources are materials, ideas, or tools that enable us to understand how we can fulfil our calling in Christ. For this to happen we will seek out and use materials from a wide range of sources. For example, there are papers that are aimed at challenging our thinking; tools that help us make old structures more effective, such as session or committee of management; book reviews that help us understand how we can grow in awareness as a leader in a church or grow in understanding how our church operates, both the good and the bad; and diagnostic tools and exercises to help us have clarity about ourselves, our leadership and our church.

The resources on the Healthy Churches website provide a collection of materials that are intended to be used intelligently and thoughtfully to grow the ministry of the PCQ in healthy and fruitful ways.

Resource: pcq.org.au/healthy-churches.php Printed: 2025-02-07
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